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In my opinion, I think religion is easily understood through the use of pop culture. Many young children are more likely to be engaged in a Disney film about biblical reference's and real life situation's than reading them from a bible.For example, there are many biblical reference's in Disney's " The Lion King" such as Simba as Moses and Mufasa as God. However, many Disney animated film's use religion to teach children what is morally right and wrong and the different way's with dealing with death. Usually, these death's are overcome with a hero to show children that not all death's are sad.For example, in " The Lion King", after Mufasa dies, Simba defeat's Scar to become king. Overall, I think religion is used in many Disney film's to teach children about the Bible, life, and lessons such as right and wrong. They are able to pick up on these without knowing because they are so engaged in the film. This is a clever and fun way to enhance children's learning.

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